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Boyle & District Agricultural Society



Please note that you must submit the waiver PRIOR to entering one of our events!

I request permission to participate in equestrian related events which (hereinafter referred to as
“the activities”) are organized and operated by the Boyle & District Agricultural Society
(hereinafter referred to as “the society”), or use the facility operated by “the society” for my
personal use.

I fully understand that “the activities” involves livestock, trailers, horseback riding, handling and
grooming of horses and other stable activities which are very dangerous to those participating in
“the activities” or being in the near area.  These activities are dangerous because of the
unpredictable nature of livestock and other participants in the said “activities”.

I accept and assume all risks of injury and bodily harm up to and including death to me or my
property which would include any livestock or motorized equipment and trailers that I may bring
on to the property of the organizers.

In exchange for me being permitted to participate in these “activities”, for myself, my heirs,
guardians, and legal representatives, I release and agree not to make or bring any claim of any
kind against the “society”, or officials, servants, employees, representatives, officers, and
directors together with any sponsors for any of the “activities” for any injury (including death)
and financial loss or loss of income to me, or any damage to my property, arising out of my
participation in these dangerous “activities”.

I acknowledge that it has been recommended to me that all horseback riders of any age should
wear a high impact helmet and carry their own Alberta Equestrian Federation membership for
insurance purposes.

I agree to abide by all rules set forth by the Society when accessing the facility.
I am executing this release and waiver of liability freely and voluntarily and acknowledge by my
signature herein that I understand the contents hereof.





Please select one of the two options:

Click here to download a PDF version of the Boyle Ag Society's waiver.

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