Practice Nights
Drills | Barrel Racing | Pole Bending | Open Riding
Hosted by: Boyle & District Agricultural Society
Sometimes you want to practice on your own, sometimes you want someone to visit with at the same time.
From time to time I try to give everyone a heads up on when I will be at the arena practising or riding colts so they are welcome to join if they wish. Very casual, good company, and great tunes. Open riding, drills, barrels, poles, you decide.
$5 per horse.
Riders must have a valid AEF membership and sign the
Boyle Ag Society waiver.
E-transfer fees to BoyleAgSociety@Outlook.com.
Fun for us and it helps out the Ag Society by getting more use of the arena and making them a few bucks.
Alternatively, if you would like to rent the arena to practice on your own, the Boyle Ag Society does offer private rentals.
$5 per horse or $100 yearly membership.
Contact Lindy at 780-689-1511 to book.
NO washrooms or concession on site.
There is water available at the hydrant for the horses.